Say, “No” to Grass!

It is an honor to welcome Stephanie from the garden blog “Learning to Grow in Florida”!
Without further ado:

Say, “No” to Grass!

Let’s talk groundcover. Grass is the usual choice, but why? It’s high maintenance and requires a lot of water to look alive during the dry winters. In the summer it may get more water but can burn up in the heat. In Florida, I believe we have two seasons of “grass” – thriving weeds (summer) and sand spurs (winter). This isn’t something that makes my feet happy, so I went in search for other options.

I gave up on grass while living in a condo overlooking a golf course – the highest maintenance grass system. All that work for something with so little texture, color, or scent. After some experimenting, I’ve found groundcovers that offer a little more than the color green. Some you don’t even have to mow!

Groundcover options:

Perennial Peanut:

This ground cover spreads quickly to produce a lawn that reminds me of a field of wildflowers. The yellow flower will bloom again after mowing.

Sunshine Mimosa:

You may know this plant as the sensitive plant. When you touch the fern-like leaves, they close. This groundcover also produces a pink caterpillar-like flower.


This ground cover offers great color and can be planted in sun or shade.


This vine crawls on the ground and up trees creating a fun jungle effect. This plant is a houseplant in the North but survives well outdoors in parts of the South. This plant propagates easily.


If you have planted mint, you know how quickly this plant spreads. I experimented with this in my own yard. This plant is fragrant and makes great iced-tea. If you do not want it to take over, plant in a container to help restrict the area it spreads.

Sweet potato vine:

This ground cover comes in green and purple. I have the purple variety, which also shows a little lavender flower. This plant propagates easily.

Pony foot:

This plant loves mulch and looks like a sea of tiny lily pads. It is also a nitrogen fixing plant, which adds nutrients to the soil.

You may not want replace your entire lawn, but these options add a variety of color and textures that can inspire any gardener!

For more entertaining gardening information, please visit my blog:!

Happy planting!



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